website show tell

Class Monday, March 2, 2020

 Today’s goals:

  1. *Finish your webpage project and make sure you have the 9 requirements (see here for list )
  2. *Update your portfolio on the class website with screenshots of your webpage project- log in here , username is first name (some of you I used nicknames- Alex, Dom, Joe, Kenny, Nick, Zayn), password is whatever you set- see me if you can’t get in. Click pages on the left menu, then search for your name in the box at the top right. Hover over your name and click edit.
  3. *Complete this survey  about the webpage project
  4. *Publish your website online  (optional- see me if you want to do this)
  5. *Show and tell: partner up with another person- check out each page of their site and have them check out yours. Do you have questions or suggestions for improvement?
  6. *March desktop wallpaper: check out this new collection from Smashing Magazine 
  7. *Reason for day off tomorrow:
    Tomorrow is a presidential primary (“Super Tuesday”)- lots of states are holding primaries to narrow down the field of candidates seeking the Democratic and Republican nominations
    Click here  to learn a little more (a Medford native is running for president!) and answer some brief questions