website show tell

Class Wednesday, February 26, 2020

 Today’s goals:

  1. *Finish your webpage project and make sure you have the 9 requirements (see here for list )
  2. *Update your portfolio on the class website with screenshots of your webpage project- log in here , username is first name (some of you I used nicknames- Alex, Dom, Joe, Kenny, Nick, Zayn), password is whatever you set- see me if you can’t get in
  3. *Complete this survey  about the webpage project
  4. *Publish your website online  (optional- see me if you want to do this)
  5. *Prepare for our speaker Friday:
    Jim Flynn, Senior Engineering Manager, IBM
    Studied Electrical Engineering  at Northeastern University
    Bio: “I’ve been an engineer for 30 yrs – started in defense electronics. For past 20 yrs been working as a software engineer for The Weather Company  (now IBM). I’ve worked on systems used by TV meteorologists, airline pilots, boaters, and even the ones that can put weather data in your car.”
    To do: come up with at least one question for our speaker and write it down someone (your phone, note on your computer)