Class Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Today you will:

– Discover new sites that will help you play jokes on your friends

– Email me your jQuery code from the past couple of days

– Change seats

– Begin building a mobile web app with Dreamweaver CS6

0.  Today’s featured websites:

April Fool’s Day fun

1.  Please email me your jQuery mobile code–

This will be used for the next version of The Boston Globe test web app!  Thanks for your thoughtfulness and effort with the design revision process.

2.  Spring seat change

spring seats

3.  Creating a mobile web app with Dreamweaver CS6

a.  Intro to Dreamweaver CS6

b.  Starting your first mobile web app project

c.  Time to plan- what will your web app be about?

d.  Handy links- jQuery Mobile code examples from & a list of jQuery Mobile data icons.  You can use the sample code in your web app and can add the data icons for navigation.

Example to add back button:

<a href=”#” data-icon=”back”>Back</a>