Class Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Comic relief following the election:

Trailer for The Campaign, a farce comedy by Will Ferrell this summer:

Trailer #2

The Campaign


And one more good one:

Elections and the Web

Can you imagine this election without Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or going online to get information about a candidate?

It wasn’t all that long ago that campaigns could only reach voters through campaign events and whatever coverage they got from newspapers and TV.

Did you follow the election at all yesterday? How did you get information- TV, radio, internet, Twitter, Facebook, or some other way?

Google as a resource

What Google looked like yesterday:

Google Election Day

Google’s Election Center

Google Trends

How many people Googled “who is running for president” over time?

New York Times

Nate Silver and his popular FiveThirtyEight blog have driven serious amounts of traffic to the NYT site. At its peak on the day before the Election, his blog accounted for 20% of web visits to the NYT site. Silver, who started out blogging anonymously before coming to the NYT, continues to impress with his statistics and predictions in political races across the country.

Wall to wall coverage- check out the NYT’s coverage of the election


The all-important who’s more popular on Facebook

Facebook is how I found out about Elizabeth Warren and Pres. Obama’s victories- it was on Facebook before the news!

Problems with voting

This person got video of his attempt to vote for Obama using a touchscreen resulting in a vote for Romney. He publicly posted his video and got enough attention to get the faulty voting machine (which was in Pennsylvania) pulled from the poll.

If he hadn’t taken video and posted it online would it have attracted as much attention? Would we even know what happened or have heard about it here in MA?

That’s so awkward!

Finally, the most awkward photos from the campaign trail