
Hi! My name is Nick and I’m a senior at MHS. I am 17 years old and I love chemistry!


I have lived in North Medford my entire life #heightsgang and I love grabbing a b-boy from Jim’s on a lazy Saturday morning. I went to the Roberts Elementary School and the Andrews Middle School before coming to MHS.

Image result for jim's market

I started drumming in 6th grade and joined the MHS Band in 8th grade. I’ve been marching Bass 2 since my freshman year of high school. I hope to continue drumming throughout college and join a DCI group.

I love all kinds of music (classic rock, rap, hip hop, pop, the occasional country), but my favorite artist right now is Chance the Rapper.Image result for chance the rapper acid rap

I played soccer until spring of my freshman year which was my last season, but I still enjoy playing and watching soccer with my friends.Image result for copa america 2016 ball

Whenever I’m not at band, work, or doing homework, I like to watch videos on and scroll through memes on


My Portfolio

This was my first inspirational quote graphic.


I call this work punk kitten.


This was a quote project in which I used the background blend property to create a cool effect.


This is what the website I ‘re-designed’ for the Boston Crusaders looked like on the front page

This was my website’s second ‘self-made’ page.