
Class Wednesday, May 29, 2019

 Today’s Goals:

  • Say good-bye to the seniors!
  • Discuss how to learn more about web design after this class
  • Play web design trivia!

 Today’s featured website:

 Moving Forward with Web Design

  • Let’s review the After School?  page
  • What skills can you put on your resume?
    • HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, graphic design
  • What questions do you have?

 Web Development Trivia

You can use Google or just talk to each other. Each question will have a time limit to find the answer. I will judge the responses and award points!

  1. What is a browser?
  2. Name a different search engine besides Google
  3. What does HTML stand for?
  4. What does CSS stand for?
  5. What file extension do you use to save a webpage?
  6. What is the first tag you use to start a webpage?
  7. Name an HTML tag that does not have an opening and closing tag; it’s just one, self-contained tag.
  8. What is the difference between CSS and HTML?
  9. Name 2 other image file types besides .jpg
  10. What tags do you use for adding JavaScript code to your webpage?
  11. What is the difference between http and https?
  12. What does DOM stand for?
  13. What does URL stand for?
  14. What is an IP address?
  15. What is a text editor AND what is the name of the text editor we use in class?
  16. True or false: most text editors can be used for other code besides HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  17. Your turn- create a question for the other team
  18. What is the difference between the display property values block and inline?
  19. When is the last day of school for non-seniors?
  20. What is the first day of school next year?
  21. Name the freshmen in this class
  22. Name the 4 values for the CSS position property
  23. What are the 3 CSS box model properties?
  24. True or false: your CSS code always goes in your body section
  25. What is the difference between and external style sheet and an internal style sheet?
  26. True or false: jQuery is a JavaScript library
  27. True or false: JavaScript is named for its relationship to Java
  28. True or false: you can use either double quotes or single quotes with JavaScript
  29. True or false: JavaScript frameworks and libraries are the same
  30. True or false: a semi-colon is used at the end of lines of code with both CSS and JavaScript
  31. True or false: you can use the same code for CSS comments to comment out lines of JavaScript code
  32. What is does the $ symbol represent in jQuery?
  33. What very popular website content management system does our class website use?
  34. What is Bootstrap?
  35. Why are media queries used?
  36. Name 2 ways you can make your website more accessible to people with disabilities
  37. What is the difference between front-end web development and back-end web development?
  38. Name 3 differences between creating mobile apps for Apple and for Android
  39. True or false: more people have iPhones than Android phones
  40. What is a web host and why do you need one?
  41. How do you register a domain name?
  42. What is graphic design?
  43. What is the name of my dog?
  44. What is malware?
  45. True or false: it’s a good idea to use the same password for multiple sites and accounts
  46. True or false: Mac computers do not need anti-virus programs installed
  47. What is 2 factor authentication?
  48. True or false: all public Wi-Fi is safe and secure to use
  49. What is responsive web design?
  50. How is a mobile app different than a website?
  51. What is a progressive web app?
  52. When is graduation?
  53. What year did I graduate from Medford High School?
  54. Where did I go to college?
  55. Your turn- create a web design-related question for the other team
  56. What does a cascading style sheet do?
  57. What was March’s Harvest of the Month?
  58. What is the name of the school nutritionist who does Harvest of the Month with us?
  59. Name a popular website that works better as an app on a mobile device
  60. Name the 4 different opening and closing HTML tags we start every webpage with
  61. What is a CDN?
  62. When we added jQuery to our projects did we download the files and link them or did we use a CDN?
  63. What 2 steps do you have to take to add a Google Font to your webpage?
  64. Name one of the stock image websites we often use
  65. What is the site we often use to edit images?
  66. What is the difference between the internet and the World Wide Web?
  67. What is the difference between CSS grid and flexbox?