I know HTML

Class Tuesday, September 26, 2017

You have a choice to do one of the following activities OR finish anything you missed last week (go to Class Work and click on the appropriate day)

  1. Follow this HTML/CSS tutorial: https://learn.playto.io/html-css/lesson/0
  2. Try some of these HTML and CSS challenges
  3. Check out the HTML examples and tags on W3Schools.com by selecting different things from the left-hand menu. Add some to the page you just created or simply try them out in the online code editor on the site.
  4. Go to the “Cool Stuff” page on the class website and pick some things to look at, check out, and/or do.
  5. Watch one of these videos from Harvard’s Intro to Computer Science course, CS50: https://manual.cs50.net/seminars/ (headphones available on bottom bookshelf or can use own)

Please email me at agoldsberry@medford.k12.ma.us and tell me what you did and at least 1 new thing you learned.

Period 5: please make sure you LOG OFF and Period 6: please SHUT DOWN your computers.