set goals

Class Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2015

0. Today’s featured website:

1. Computers and mice

  • The computer you have in front of you is yours for the rest of the year. TAKE GOOD CARE OF IT!
  • We have 12 computers. There are 12 of you. If you wreck your computer, then you will have nothing to use in class. If you don’t have a computer, then how can you develop websites and pass this class? Please treat your computer with respect. I will make updates and fix things as we go along. I expect you to use the computer for class purposes only. I have seen students download viruses and malware when playing certain games or visiting certain sites; please be aware of what you’re doing and always ask me first.
  • You can change the desktop background if you want.
  • It is an excellent idea to right now create a folder on the desktop with your name. Right click on the desktop and go to New, then Folder.
  • If you would like a mouse, please take one along with a mouse pad. If we run out, I can get more.

2. Did you notice?

  • There is something different about the class website. What is it?

3. Continued from our last class

  • What are some web sites and apps you like? Why? Talk to the person next to you and make a list. Then we will share with the class.

4. Class Goals and Personal Goals (for our Vision Board)


A– What are your goals for yourself this year- for this class and in general?

B– What should the goals for the class be this year?


C– What are the steps you will take to achieve your goals this year?

D– What steps should the class take to achieve its goals this year?


E– What will success look like for you?  (How will you know you have reached your goal?)

F– What will success look like for the class?


Fill out this form about your goals and the class goals


G– Get up, grab some art supplies, and start making a visualization of your goals to add to our class Vision Board