Fun with JQuery

JQuery plug-in’s are a simple way to add some cool functionality to your website.  JQuery is a JavaScript library.

Today we’re going to use a JQuery plug-in to create an interactive photo gallery slider.

What you will need for this lesson:

1- Files from me that include the images and practice code

2- Notepad++

3- A new folder on your computer called JQuery

To begin:

1- Create a folder called JQuery on your computer

2- Get the practice files from me and put them in your folder

3- Open Notepad++

4- Copy and paste the following code into Notepad++



<title>JQuery Practice!</title>



<p>This will be awesome!</p>



5- You can name this jquerypractice.html.  Be sure to save this file in the folder you just created.

We’re ready!


6- Go to

7- Copy and paste the code from Step 1 into your head section below the title tags.  This is the code for the slider style sheet and JavaScript.

8- Grab the code from Step 2 and paste it into your body section below the paragraph tags.  You will have to change the names of the images to the ones that you have in your folder.

9- Grab the code from Step 3 and paste it into your head section below your other scripts.

That’s it!


10- Challenge: either add more images or change the current images to something else

11- Challenge: modify the JQuery to change the slideshow- check out Step 4 and then go here

12- Don’t forget: change the title tag and “this will be awesome”