Web Design Class Day 1

1. What websites do you like? Why? What makes a good website? What makes a bad website?

What do you think looks best?

2. Ever wonder what was first posted on some of your favorite websites? Check out thiswasfirst.com.

2a. Check out this cool way Google displays what is trending on its website worldwide.

3. How much do you really know about the school website? Take this quiz to find out!

4. Just for fun:

– Go to Google.com and type “do a barrel roll” into the search box

– Try this

– This is fun too






5. QR codes

QR (quick response) Codes- Have you seen these before or used them? Have you created them?

Everything that you never wanted to know about QR Codes on Wikipedia.

You are going to create a QR code today. Your QR code can link to a message or a website.

Make one now at this website http://createqrcode.appspot.com/ and we will test it out with the class phone and iPad using a bar code scan app.

Want to make a more interesting, colorful QR code? Try it here.

6. Blogging

What is a blog?

Today you will blog on our class website.

I have created a page for everyone. You will get a username and password to log in.

Your page is located under Class Pages at the top of our website. Point your mouse on Class Pages, then scroll down to Summer Web Design 2 and click on it.  You will see a list of names- click on yours.

Today you will add information to your page about yourself and a photo. You can include: where you’re from, languages you speak, food you like, interests, hobbies, activities, sports, talents, life philosophy, family, pets, etc.!

Try wigflip.com to make some cool graphics for your page.

Also try pixlr.com to add cool effects to your images.  Try Playful and Efficient.  Advanced is actually very similar to Photoshop.

You are using WordPress, a free content management system that is used by about one in every seven websites in the world! You can enter text and images and WordPress adds the code for you. If you know HTML and CSS, you are able to do the code yourself.

What else do you notice about WordPress?

7. How about sending an email to your “future self” on the last day of class? What would you say? What do you want to learn this week?

8. Check out what my high school students did last year for their website re-creation project

9.  Explore the tallest mountain in the world without ever leaving your chair, thanks to a new HTML5-based site created in partnership with Internet Explorer.

10.  What is better- Google or Bing?