Class September 20, 2011

Article: A World Where Facebook is the New Internet

We will continue with working on the HTML files we began last week.

To Begin:

1. Find your index.html file in your folder

2. Double-click the file and it should open in Firefox

3. Right-click on your index.html file, go to Open With, and click Notepad.

4. You should have your webpage open in Firefox and in Notepad at the same time. Please keep both of them open as you will be working with both of them.

5. Remember, when you make a change to your Notepad file, save it, and then go to Firefox and refresh the page so you can see the change you just made.

We will practice:
– Adding line breaks
– Changing the text (making it bold, italicized, etc.)
– Adding an image
– Adding a link

Once we have all of that down we might have time to try iframes and embedding video.

Please refer to notes from our September 15 class on this website for tags and for things to copy and paste.

We will also be using in class. This website is a great resource for all HTML and CSS questions and issues.