Class Friday, February 27, 2015

blank phone screen

Today’s goals:

– Explore potential app designs for The Boston Globe’s News in Education program

0. Today’s featured app


1. What do you want to do?

Groups (3 in each):

iPad group

Mobile phone group

Newspaper group

Website group

a. Each group will visit and

b. As you explore these sites, think about how you would use them in the classroom.

Imagine: your teacher has asked you to read an article and you will be discussing it in class.

Imagine: your teacher is showing you a video about something in the news that relates to what you’re doing in class.

Imagine: you have to do a project about a certain time period for your history class.

Imagine: you have to create a Tweet, Vine, or Snap about an article you just read.

Imagine: you are asked to look up people, places, and other things mentioned in articles to get more info.  What can you learn from what you find (blog, Facebook page, Twitter, etc.) and how could it contribute to the story?

What types of things included in an app could help with these activities?  

What would an app look like that included these activities?

What other activities would you be interested in doing?

c. Consider:

What do you like?  Not like?

What would you change?

If you could design something for students to use from scratch, what would it look like?  What would be new?  What would be different?  What would you keep?

How would you like to use The Boston Globe in school to help you complete projects, better understand something you’re learning, or make connections to what’s going on in the world outside of school?