Class Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Of interest:

1- Want to learn the new language (Hack) that Facebook invented and is built on?

2- Women dominate every social network except for one- guess which one

App Inventor

Today we will begin using MIT App Inventor to create mobile apps.

You will need a Gmail account to use App Inventor. If you do not have one, it is free to create one. Please do so today before you begin or I will log you into my account and/or pair you with someone who has an account.

Previously, you created mobile apps using a template in Dreamweaver CS6 and you focused on altering the CSS and HTML. With App Inventor, you will use a visual programming editor and will create apps that are a bit more complex than the simple mobile site we made with Dreamweaver. Also, unlike Dreamweaver, App Inventor can only be used to develop apps for Android devices, not for Apple.

To begin, go here:

This is the tutorial we will be following.

In the top right corner, click Create.  At this point you will be asked to log in if you’re not already logged into your Gmail account.

We will test our apps either in the emulator or on the class Android device.


How could you modify this app to have a picture of a dog meowing?

How could you modify this app to have a picture of yourself singing your favorite song?

To help with this:

Free music

Free sound effects

Your Turn

Take a look at the different App Inventor tutorials and choose one to follow.  They are fun, I promise!  When you’re done and want to test your app on the phone, let me know.